Dear Trail Watchers,

IT HAPPENED! Yesterday at snack Tribal was broken in an epic explosion of green & gold by some inconspicuous maintenance staff storming out of discreetly-parked vans near The Grove. It was a happy, exciting time for all campers, from first time Frosh to the LITs who will be participating in their last Tribal as campers this summer

Above you can see campers Talia, Caroline, & Sam as they read the Mohawk and Iroquois team lists for their names. Thoughts quickly bounced to their trunks filled to the brim with green and gold outfits, hats, accessories, and other silly costume bits that are such a key part of Tribal Sundays.

Campers, especially the LITs, were beyond excited to miss their afternoon activities in order to congregate at the Amphitheater for the announcement of the 2019 Chieftons & Tribal Leaders. Congratulations to Sadie, Rachel, Miles, & Jason for being chosen as  Cheiftons for the summer season! It is going to be epic.

Tribal Tug was the first event last night. It was such a great kickoff to what is sure to be an intense Tribal summer. With this stellar group of LITs at the head of the competition, it will surely be an exciting one.

Love always,

The Camp Echo Lake Trail