The start of any year brings hope, optimism and for me, the moment when I start counting down to camp in days rather than weeks and months. This year is no different! At the time of writing there are 157 days until Summer 2021 officially begins. Another New Year tradition is to make resolutions, or set goals for things that you want to achieve in the coming twelve months. Whilst I have my own personal resolutions; some of which may already be redundant (read more, less screen time, etc.), I always create a list of goals that I want to achieve during the summer and I want to share with you all what they are.

1. Swim More! My favorite thing to do, hands down, on a hot camp day is to head down to the Waterfront, check in with Terry and the lifeguards and jump in the deep section and cool off (the Aquaglide is just an added bonus!). 

2. Go on a Trek trip once a week! We are so fortunate to have the Adirondack National Park on our doorstep but in my nine summers at camp I’ve only ever made it on one Trek trip (shoutout to the 2013 Pike!) and this is something that I would love to change! Whether it’s hiking Hackensack with one of our Junior groups or it’s Extreme Tubing with the Senior Village I am excited to take in a lot more of our beautiful surroundings. 

3. Spend more time in the dining room! Now bear with me here. During the summer I can be guilty of grabbing dinner or lunch in a to-go box and heading back to my office but I miss the hustle and bustle of the dining room. Whether it’s in the evening and the Girls’ Camp vs. Boys’ Camp chants are in full voice, or whether it’s the morning and there is the buzz of excitement about the coming day, the dining hall has a great atmosphere.

4. Try a new activity every week! At Camp Echo Lake we are lucky to have amazing facilities and equally amazing teachers, coaches, and instructors who form our Head Specialists. Throughout my time at camp my list of things I haven’t done is longer than my list of things that I have. So this summer, don’t be surprised if you see me at Jason’s Jungle, Yoga or even Music!

This is my list of resolutions for the summer. I encourage you all to make your own list of things that you want to achieve, no matter how big or small. Share it with someone and have them hold you accountable; just like I have with all of you!!!

157 Days and Counting, 
