
Well, it’s been a pretty mild winter overall and it seems that camp has missed the majority of the big snow storms this season. Compared to last winter I think this was a welcomed change for Darren and the maintenance guys who are forced to work outdoors in the coldest months.

We have a lot changes coming this summer and it’s going to be a mad dash to finish everything that’s on the agenda before the buses roll in. Additionally, there’s always a few unwanted repairs in the Spring that surprise us and seem to throw us for a loop.

Dealing with surprises is a way of life at camp. We spend so much time anticipating issues, weather, trends, but we can never account for everything! I always tell new hires not to worry about being “new.” Of course our returning staff know the names of the buildings and all the camp traditions, but each summer is new, and each summer has its own set of surprises. It’s how you deal with all the events that makes the difference.

I like to think it’s how we respond to events that makes all the difference. Events + Response = Outcome.  It’s not always simple to do but we try really hard at always making the best out of any scenario. It’s what makes camp a great place to be!
