After Visiting Day wrapped up, the Junior Girls were ready for another memorable week on Camp.  With tremendous effort, the Junior Girls have pushed forward and are continuing to discover their own capabilities.  


This week almost all of the Junior Girls performed on stage between Friday Night Live and the Junior musical, Wonka!  The girls have shown dedication to this show since week 1 of camp and definitely put in a great amount of effort in order for the show to come to fruition! Kudos to all!


Also this week, the Upper Junior Girls hiked Hackensack Mountain.  Some of them were hesitant about the hike, but with great effort they made it to the top and were absolutely amazed by the view.  They even got to see camp from a whole new perspective!


Additionally, a lot of the Junior Girls are continuing to show growth in many different activity areas.  Some of the girls have decided to begin taking private tennis lessons to work on their skills, some have continued to work towards passing their deep water test, and some have asked other Head Specialists if they can spend a little extra time with them so they can continue to improve in that specific area.  I think the Junior Girls, collectively, are starting to feel more confident in their own abilities and are realizing with hard work and a lot of effort, a goal can be achieved. There is no better place to learn this lesson than Camp!


Rounding out the week, the Junior Girls competed in Tribal Swim.  It is always great to see the Junior Girls compete in Tribal and be supportive of their teams and their friends.  They are learning that with effort there can be healthy competition, which can be a ton of fun!  In the end, it is less about winning or losing and more about what they learned in the process.  


There is a lot to look forward to for the Junior Girls in week 5!  Today we have a special guest, Adam Issadore, on Camp who is leading drum circles with all of our Junior Girl campers.  Within the next few days we will have Girls’ Camp Special Day (shhh it’s a secret) and Winter in July!


Week 5 will be even more exciting than the last four and I am sure our Junior Girl Campers will continue to display great effort in all that they do in order to continue to have the glorious feeling of accomplishment!